Amazing things of Amazon

  Why the name “AMAZON” The company named as “ Cadabra ” by Jeff Bezos after the magic slogan of “ Abra Cadabra ”. When he first mentioned this to his lawyer over the phone, he misheard this as “ Cadaver ” and immediately he realized that the name is not going to work Bezos had the customer-centric approach to the business, right from the start. So, he had proposed to change the name to “Relentless Inc”, a way of saying that the company would be relentless in its approach to customer satisfaction. In 1994, the company’s then de-facto CTO was Shel Kaphan. He was not very amused by the proposal. So, Bezos keep searching for new names for the company In the 1990s, the number of websites was very less, and countable by humans. The websites were sorted alphabetically on the “internet directory” of those days. After a bunch of research, Bezos settled on Amazon Inc. for two reasons - Amazon River has the largest collection of flora and fauna in the world. Amazon Inc. will represent the la...

Development of Customer Defined Standards


Customer Defines Standards are the actual rules, regulations and guidelines of any Company made for the customers of that particular company that inform and shape the Customer’s relationship with the business at every step throughout the customer experience.

Companies adopt these standards to empower client service workers to resolve complaints, issues and queries as quickly and satisfactorily as attainable, for the customer and also the company. Strong Customer service standards will facilitate an organization retain a lot of loyal customers and increase profits considerably.

In this case I have selected the Company “Dell Computers” from the industry “Computer hardware Computer software” and try to know how Dell has incorporated the customer defines standard in its company. Here we will try to connect the steps taken by Dell and the concept of customer standards.

Customer Service Standards

Customer service standards area unit a group of policies and expectations that are created and adopted by an organization. The standards cover all the points of contact the business might have with the client. In a sense, they're the expectations or rules for conduct in any client dealings and the way you would like customers to feel concerning their expertise together with your company. After all, customers obtain supported emotions instead of logic or reason. Exceptional client care evokes future buying behavior over knowledge and facts.

Sales and help once the sale is simply one face of a company’s client service standards. An intensive set of standards should address the company’s client service policies and practices in any respect key points of contact with the client. Client service is a necessary part of a company’s business. Whether or not the corporate sells its merchandise to individual shoppers or to alternative businesses, the importance of client service to the corporate and its complete development efforts is that the same.

Factors necessary for appropriate service standards

Standardization of service behaviors and actions: The interpretation of client expectation into specific service quality standards depends on the degree to that tasks and behavior to be performed will be standardized or routinized. Standardization typically implies a non-varying successive method, whereas Customization typically refers to some level of adaptation or craft of the method to the individual client.

Formal service targets and goals: Corporations that are flourishing in delivering systematically high service quality area unit noted for establishing formal standards to guide worker in providing service. These corporations have Associate in Nursing correct sense of however well they're acting service that's important to their customers

Customer — ,not company — , outlined standards: Nearly all corporations possess service standards and measures that area unit company outlined — they're established to achieve internal company goals for productivity, efficiency, price or technical quality.

Types of Customer-Defined Service Standards

Customer service standards area unit a group of policies and expectations that are created and adopted by an organization. The standards cover all the points of contact the business might have with the client. In a sense, they're the expectations or rules for conduct in any client dealings and the way you would like customers to feel concerning their expertise together with your company. After all, customers obtain supported emotions instead of logic or reason. Exceptional client care evokes future buying behavior over knowledge and will be classified into 2 varieties

Hard and Soft Standards

Things that may be counted, timed, or discovered through audits area unit grasp as hard standards this includes:
  • Delivery time
  • Response time

A standard that must be documented using perceptual measures is understood as soft standards this includes:

  • Courteous
  • Trustworthy
  • Communication skills

Development of customer-defined service standards

Step 1: Determine existing or desired service encounter sequence: A customer’s overall service quality analysis at intervals of the buildup of evaluations of multiple service experiences. Service encounters area unit the element items required to determine service standards in an exceedingly company. In establishing standards corporation’s area unit involved with service encounter quality and so need to grasp the particular necessities and priorities of the client for every service encounter.

Dell Strategy: Dell pioneered a replacement sales model holler Direct. The concept was to act directly, permitting holler to collect pertinent info concerning its customers and so to supply additional applicable service and support. Business clients comprised 90% of Dell’s customers, with PC sales representing the largest category of sales. Dell provided Premier Pages, a service during which Dell created customized websites for company purchasers. Premier Pages were accessible to a client’s staff for simple ordering and support. Commonplace technical support info was out there to assist staff through the method.

Step 2: Translate client expectation into behavior/actions: Setting a regular in broad abstract terms, like “improve skills within the company,” is ineffective as a result of the quality is troublesome to interpret, measure, and achieve. Once an organization collects information, it usually captures client necessities in terribly abstract terms. 

Dell Strategy: Dell screened staff employed to figure in its decision centers for technical ability and client service expertise. coaching was an easy two-week laboratory and room program that introduced new hires to policies and procedures, however most learning occurred throughout a comparatively transient transition amount, once new hires were teamed with old reps for on- the-job coaching. 

Another way that Dell increased the chance of solving problems was by, again, being direct. Call center representatives (CSRs) were able to solve problems using diagnostic tools over the phone line.

Step 3: Determine appropriate standards: Next step is all about taking the decision whether hard or soft standard should be used to capture a given behavior and action.

Dell Strategy: 
  • Dell measures what number calls we have a tendency to might take per hour
  • Dell also provided noninteractive customer support via the Web, through product information pages and frequently asked questions (FAQs).
  • Dell had begun to embed diagnostic equipment into its products before they left the factory, making it possible for the CSRs to run equipment checks and make fixes online. If the problem was not fixed within 15 minutes, the CSR would then dispatch a technician and/or part.
  • Dell’s field service for large servers proposed to guarantee its business customers on-site service in less than four hours, which meant, in simple terms, that no matter where or what the problem, Dell would have a service technician on site with the necessary parts and knowledge in the allotted time period.
Step 4: Develop measurement for standards: Once firms have determined whether or not hard or soft standards square measure applicable and that specific standards best capture client necessities, they need to develop feedback measures that adequately capture the standards.

Dell Strategy: 

  • Dell also provided noninteractive customer support via the Web, through product information pages and frequently asked questions (FAQs). net support data was updated often, driven by solutions, feedback, and statistics half-tracked within the decision centers
  • Dell’s specialize in its decision centers ensured a link from school support to development and back once more. Patterns of technical difficulties detected by decision centers were a gold mine of feedback for development groups, and support personnel kept informed by the merchandise teams might handle queries effectively
  • Dell self-staffed its call centers to control quality and service and accumulate feedback and customer understanding
  • After a service call, the third-party firm would contact a sample of customers, allowing customers to rate their experience.

Step 5: Establish target levels for standards: succeeding step needed that firms establish target levels for the standards. While not this step the corporate lacks the simplest way to quantify whether or not the standards are being met. Every time employees record the times when an issue or complaint has been made to the company and it is resolved by them.

Dell Strategy: On every occasion there's any criticism or it’s been resolved Dell record all the information so it may be helpful for the longer term aspects. It can help Dell employees not to do that much brainstorm again on the same issue if comes from the customers, they can just refer the previous way of solution and can go ahead.

Step 6: Track measure against standards: Few Companies have careful and comprehensive fact based systems that provide information about their operations — allowing them to continually examine how the company is performing in comparison to its service standards.

Dell Strategy: 

  • The company tracked (and perpetually strove to improve) 3 major parts of the client experience: order fulfillment, performance, and repair and support
  • Making performance results visible was typical for call centers—measurements prominently displayed included average length in the queue, number of calls waiting, and length of longest wait. At Dell, the level of visibility went a step further, where the performance of individuals was visible as well. Recently, Dell had been able to improve its first-time resolves (FTRs) to almost 90%
Step 7: Provide feedback about performance to employees: Once firms have determined applicable standards, developed specific measures that best capture client necessities, and set applicable target levels for the standards, they have to develop mechanism to produce feedback on worker actions and behavior.

Dell Strategy: 

  • Dell’s specialize in its decision centers ensured a link from school support to development and back once more. Patterns of technical difficulties detected by call centers were a gold mine of feedback for product development teams, and support personnel kept informed by the product groups could handle questions effectively.
  • The Higher management of Dell always give feed back to its employess from time to time
Step 8: Update target levels and measures: The ultimate step involves rewriting the target level, measures, and even client demand, frequently enough to stay up with client expectations.

Dell Strategy:

  • Dell tracked “ship to target”: How often did a totally correct order get to the client on time?
  • For performance, Dell followed the “initial field-incident rate”: however usually did one thing fail with a system once it had been delivered? 
  • For service and support, Dell measured “on-time, first-time fix”: How often did service people arrive on time, and how often did they fix a problem on the first visit?
  • There were dozens of other metrics that Dell followed—such as the “initial soft-incident rate,” which reflected how often customers merely thought that they had a problem
  • Dell changed its key operational measures over the years to refocus on the most important elements of customer satisfaction.


In this topic the discussion has been made on the topic Customer Defines Standards where I connected the activities of the company “Dell” with the concepts. I summarized and briefly discussed the points:

  • Identify existing or desired service encounter sequence
  • Translate customer expectation into behavior/actions
  • Determine appropriate standards
  • Develop measurement for standards
  • Establish target levels for standards
  • Track measure against standards
  • Provide feedback about performance to employees
  • Update target levels and measures



  1. Interesting to read. Lot of information. Well written. Nice case study analysis with Dell Computers. Good job done.

  2. Well explained with the Dell

  3. The delivery and response time does matter. I have personally experienced this.

    1. Yes very true, sometimes these two factors play a vital or essential role while buying products online..

  4. Dell strategy is well explained.


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