Amazing things of Amazon

Why the name “AMAZON” The company named as “ Cadabra ” by Jeff Bezos after the magic slogan of “ Abra Cadabra ”. When he first mentioned this to his lawyer over the phone, he misheard this as “ Cadaver ” and immediately he realized that the name is not going to work Bezos had the customer-centric approach to the business, right from the start. So, he had proposed to change the name to “Relentless Inc”, a way of saying that the company would be relentless in its approach to customer satisfaction. In 1994, the company’s then de-facto CTO was Shel Kaphan. He was not very amused by the proposal. So, Bezos keep searching for new names for the company In the 1990s, the number of websites was very less, and countable by humans. The websites were sorted alphabetically on the “internet directory” of those days. After a bunch of research, Bezos settled on Amazon Inc. for two reasons - Amazon River has the largest collection of flora and fauna in the world. Amazon Inc. will represent the la...